Condenan a Leopoldo Lopez a 13 años de Prisión

Condenan a Leopoldo Lopez a 13 años de Prisión

TOPSHOTS Leopoldo Lopez, an ardent opponent of Venezuela's socialist government facing an arrest warrant after President Nicolas Maduro ordered his arrest on charges of homicide and inciting violence, kisses his wife Lilian Tintori, during a demonstration before turning himself in to authorities, in Caracas on February 18, 2014. Fugitive Venezuelan opposition leader Lopez, blamed by Maduro for violent clashes that left three people dead last week, appeared at an anti-government rally in eastern Caracas and quickly surrendered to the National Guard after delivering a brief speech. AFP PHOTO / LEO RAMIREZLEO RAMIREZ/AFP/Getty Images
  • notibomba | 11-09-2015.2:48 am.

TOPSHOTS Leopoldo Lopez, an ardent opponent of Venezuela's socialist government facing an arrest warrant after President Nicolas Maduro ordered his arrest on charges of homicide and inciting violence, kisses his wife Lilian Tintori, during a demonstration before turning himself in to authorities, in Caracas on February 18, 2014. Fugitive Venezuelan opposition leader Lopez, blamed by Maduro for violent clashes that left three people dead last week, appeared at an anti-government rally in eastern Caracas and quickly surrendered to the National Guard after delivering a brief speech.   AFP PHOTO / LEO RAMIREZLEO RAMIREZ/AFP/Getty Images
Leopoldo Lopez, an ardent opponent of Venezuela's socialist government facing an arrest warrant after President Nicolas Maduro ordered his arrest on charges of homicide and inciting violence, kisses his wife Lilian Tintori, during a demonstration before turning himself in to authorities, in Caracas on February 18, 2014. Fugitive Venezuelan opposition leader Lopez, blamed by Maduro for violent clashes that left three people dead last week, appeared at an anti-government rally in eastern Caracas and quickly surrendered to the National Guard after delivering a brief speech. AFP PHOTO / LEO RAMIREZLEO RAMIREZ/AFP/Getty Images

El líder opositor venezolano Leopoldo Lopez ha sido condenado a 13 años de prisión que deberá cumplir en la cárcel de Ramo Verde, donde ha permanecido los últimos 18 meses. El político ha sido declarado culpable de la violencia durante las protestas de 2014 que se saldaron con 43 manifestantes muertos, según confirmaron representantes de Voluntad Popular, la formación que lidera.

La tensión marcó la jornada de este jueves. Durante la mañana se produjeron algunos incidentes en las inmediaciones del Palacio de Justicia en el momento de la llegada de la mujer de López, Liliam Tintori y su familia. Una pequeña plaza de Caracas se convirtió en el espejo de un país polarizado, donde la rabia y el odio conviven en fatal armonía.